Filing a trade name registers a business name for public record. A trade name is similar to a “doing business as” (DBA) name. A trademark (service mark) registers a logo or slogan for display on goods or services. Neither is required, but each is an acceptable business practice in Arizona.
Search corporations & LLCs, reserve an entity name, start a new corporation or LLC, file an annual report, make changes to your business & more
One-on-one business counseling and assistance in planning, marketing, accounting, start-up, licensing, strategic planning, government procurement, technology development & identifying sources of capital, with special initiatives in veterans assistance, clean technology & government contracting
ARIZONA@WORK Southeastern Arizona in Cochise County is part of the statewide workforce development network helping employers of all sizes and types recruit, develop, and retain the best employees for their needs, and assisting job seekers through services and resources to help successfully pursue employment opportunities.
Natural gas, water, wastewater
Tax relief, talent & training, innovation & entrepreneurship, small business opportunities, manufacturing opportunities, location & site assistance and more!
Benson Chamber is a project of Southeast Arizona Economic Development Group (SAEDG) in partnership with City of Benson and community sponsors
SAEDG is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization